UNA Pressroom

University Of North Alabama To Close Day Early For Fall Break

Oct. 06, 2014

Michelle Eubanks, UNA, at media@1e1v.com, 256.765.4392 or 256.606.2033

By Bryan Rachal, Public Affairs and Media Relations

FLORENCE, Ala. K8彩乐园的官员们决定提前一天关闭校园,以迎接秋季假期,同时也是为了应对最近在校园内发现的威胁. Officials made the call this morning that campus will be closed on Thursday, Oct. 9, as well as Friday, Oct 10, for fall break.

美国联合大学校长约翰·托内尔说,提前一天取消课程和关闭校园不会使威胁消失, 但它传达了一个信息,那就是学校严肃对待威胁,我们的首要任务是学生的安全, faculty and staff. Even though the campus will close a day early, UNA PD will still have additional officers on campus to help with security around the residence halls.

Kilby Laboratory School on campus will also be closed on Thursday as well. Only essential personnel will be on campus.

This action is in response to a threat found last week on campus that said four people would die on Oct. 9. UNA PD is investigating the case and asking anyone with information, 或任何人看到任何异常情况,请联系大学警察局,电话:256-765-Help (4357).